Some Good Find Tools, Bad Functionality
There are some nice features for focused browsing using minimum average ratings on Netflix, IMDb, or Rotten Tomatoes (wish it had Metacritic which is better than RT.) One very nice feature is it links to Trailers. Netflix should be embarrassed not to feature this yet, as do Amazon Prime or of course HBO Go/Now. So cool, though some movies Id expect to have trailers did not shows the option but then an "Oops!" message.
The real "Oops" though is there seems to be no functional link with your Netflix account; definitely nothing to help manage / efficiently browse your queue (Netflix app is terrible for this and old apps that helped no longer work,) even an "Add to Queue" button wont work for me. Gets stuck trying to open it. Theres a option which goes to a web page that somehow has a play option but no Add to Queue anywhere. Often when you try returning to app after failed attempts restarts it so you have to enter settings all over again. Clunky.
So maybe Netflix are jerks about integration and thats why apps like Cinnetap no longer work. But still this app could be WAY more useful with some obvious added functions. LIKE: show multiple titles when using the review ratings filter. You can only "Spin" a "Roulette" and get one random suggestion per button press. I guess they thought making work like Tinder makes it cute?? Fine but give a multiples option.
Also why not let the search include multiple selected genres? Even related categories like Sci-Fi Fantasy and Sci-Thrillers require separate searches. Why?? This goes for the ratings filter, and the main page search which shows multiple results. Both have an ALL genre option but no combos. There are lots of categories so you could spend an hour or more selecting and browsing ones you like, and worse still, the ratings filter pages genre is selected only by a scrolling dial you have to spin (more pointless cute roulette theme I guess, although its actually like a slot machine so you can only see a few categories at a time) which gets REALLY TEDIOUS to swipe up and down multiple times, fast and slow to choose your category. The main page gives a drop down with all categories visible at once for quick selection. Good lord app designers, your description claims to make finding programs faster, but youre putting senseless speed bumps that s-l-o-w it all down and send us back and forth between pages, starting things again, over and over.
Please developers consider cleaning up this sloppy interface design and pointless restrictions. Also, for your own sake, your description should advertise up front about linking to trailers as that is by far one of the coolest things Netflix offers nowhere, even online! They have browsing by category (and codes now available for very specific categories) so thats not a big selling point. Browsing by review ratings is also special though, so take away the annoying restrictions and allow multiple genres at once (quickly selectable, not on a spinning dial!) and show multiple results. Those easy changes would make the app much, much better, instead of an app you use for a short time before deciding its just easier to search inside the regular Netflix app. Despite the cool stuff, thats where I think youre at now.
Hepcat B about